What CATR means:
Access to a reduced fee, preferential joint-membership is the Société québécoise d’études théâtrales which includes online access to Percées. Explorations en arts vivants (formerly L’annuaire théâtral) and access to their research axes (Quebec theatre history and contemporary Quebec theatre, theatrical theory and criticism, theatre and education, and performance as research).
CATR Membership
Société québécoise d’études théâtrales (SQET)
The Quebec Society for Theatre Studies (SQET) is a dynamic professional academic association that actively promotes a variety of forums for studying theatre and performance arts. All researchers, students, and retirees interested in drama and theatrical studies are invited to take part in a variety of focus research areas: Quebec theatre history and contemporary Quebec theatre, theatrical theory and criticism, theatre and education, and performance as research. These focus groups put on a variety of roundtables discussions at least twice a year. In addition, SQET stays in touch with its members through a bi-annual web newsletter providing current information on the association’s scholarly journal Percées (formerly L’annuaire théâtral) as well as the annual SQET conference. The SQET conference accepts academic presentations via videoconferencing to allow international and foreign members to present contemporary research. SQET is an association developed to serve its membership by providing opportunities for their individual strengths to generate dynamic theatre research presentations and experiences.
Far from being restricted to only Quebec universities, SQET is open to the world of theatre research, creation, and experiences of its diverse membership.
Starting in 2014, SQET and CATR/ACRT offer a 30% discount on the total cost for joint membership in both professional associations.
Why should you become a member?
SQET helps promote a community of theatre and performance scholars who share common areas of active research. Since 1976, professional theatre practitioners, educators and academics have chosen SQET as a space for sharing their ideas, analysis, and findings amongst their peers. SQET remains the best place to stay informed about recent and emerging research on theatre within Quebec and French-speaking Canada. The year-round discussions of our four research groups provide exciting opportunities to meet and exchange ideas, which culminate at our spring conference. In addition, throughout our diverse careers, many practitioners choose to attend the SQET conference to sustain and renew their creative process. Finally, by having access to the journal Percées, members have a chance to read successful published research initially presented by their colleagues at the annual conference.
For more information, please visit www.sqet.org